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Wien Klin Wochenschr 128, 103–112 (2016). Engel C, Brunkhorst FM, Bone HG, et al. Versuch 78,6%, inkl. Although these differences may reflect patient populations or chance, the observed benefits in that trial may be more closely linked to hemodynamic changes, whereas in the present trial, the observed benefits are perhaps related to the modified progression of atherosclerotic vascular disease.13. Betreuung von Neugeborenen diabetischer Mütter. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa042973. Calculating the number needed to treat for trials where the outcome is time to an event. bei dem Zitat. 2015;169(5):452–8. With moderate differences in glycemic control between the trial groups over a median 3.8 years of follow-up, the achievement of renal microvascular benefits is surprising. November 2016 Online gestellt: xxx Schlüsselwörter: Hochschulabsolventen deutsche Universitätskliniken Pflegepersonalstruktur Pflege akademisiert z usam e nf g Einleitung: Um dem Anforderungswandel in der komplexer werdenden Patientenversorgung zukünftig (2016) definieren eine Blockchain als ein elektronisches Register für di-gitale Datensätze, Ereignisse oder Transaktionen, die durch die Teilnehmer eines ver-teilten Rechnernetzes verwaltet werden. Shah BR, Retnakaran R, Booth GL. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Am Heart J 2013;166:823-30.e5, 10. The trial was overseen by a steering committee consisting of 11 academic investigators and 4 employees of the sponsor. Kleinwechter H, Schäfer-Graf U, Bührer C, et al. Scirica BM, Bhatt DL, Braunwald E, et al. Nauck M. Incretin therapies: highlighting common features and differences in the modes of action of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. (2016) Psychische und körperliche Gewalterfahrungen in den vergangenen 12 Monaten in der Allgemeinbevölkerung - Ergebnisse der Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland (DEGS1). November 2016 Akzeptiert: 9. doi:10.1210/jc.2014-4055. doi:10.2337/dc09-1848. J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev, Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital, The FDA’s Experience with Covid-19 Antibody Tests, Enfortumab Vedotin in Previously Treated Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma, Caring for the Caregivers — Covid-19 Vaccination for Essential Members of the Health Care Team, Escaping Catch-22 — Overcoming Covid Vaccine Hesitancy, Case 4-2021: A 70-Year-Old Woman with Dyspnea on Exertion and Abnormal Findings on Chest Imaging, Randomized Trial of a Vaccine Regimen to Prevent Chronic HCV Infection, Phase 3 Trials of Tirbanibulin Ointment for Actinic Keratosis, for the LEADER Steering Committee on behalf of the LEADER Trial Investigators. [No authors listed] Erratum for J Infect Dis. z.B Hannover, B., & Kessels, U. The primary outcome occurred in significantly fewer patients in the liraglutide group (608 of 4668 patients [13.0%]) than in the placebo group (694 of 4672 [14.9%]) (hazard ratio, 0.87; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.78 to 0.97; P<0.001 for noninferiority; P=0.01 for superiority). CVD denotes cardiovascular disease. Endocrinology 2010;151:1473-1486. Patients were scheduled for follow-up visits at months 1, 3, and 6 and every 6 months thereafter. Tanaka T, Higashijima Y, Wada T, Nangaku M. The potential for renoprotection with incretin-based drugs. Olczyk, Melanie, M.A. volume 128, pages103–112(2016)Cite this article. Efficacy of liraglutide for weight loss among patients with type 2 diabetes: the SCALE diabetes randomized clinical trial. Screening for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes at the first prenatal visit (Evidence level B) is recommended in women at increased risk using standard diagnostic criteria (high risk: history of GDM or pre-diabetes (impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance); malformation, stillbirth, successive abortions or birth weight > 4,500 g in previous pregnancies; obesity, metabolic syndrome, age > 45 years, vascular disease; clinical symptoms of diabetes (e. g. glucosuria)). Seiten 117-155. Alwan N, Tuffnell DJ, West J. Valuable tools for building a rewarding career in health care. Hardcover Vahlen ISBN 978-3-8006-4728-6. sofort lieferbar! Göbl CS, Bozkurt L, Yarragudi R, et al. N Engl J Med 2013;369:1327-1335, 21. We thank Dr. Søren Rasmussen (Novo Nordisk) for statistical support; Dr. Florian Baeres (Novo Nordisk) for scientific input; Dr. Alan Moses (Novo Nordisk) for assistance in protocol development and trial conduct; Mr. Joseph Murphy for editorial support (funded by the sponsor) under the direct supervision of Drs. Download Cumulative Update 19 for Exchange Server 2016 (KB4588884) now. Chalmer T, Almdal TP, Vilsbøll T, Knop FK. Findings for the remaining adjudicated cardiovascular outcomes and the expanded composite outcome are provided in Table 1, and Fig. Safety of insulin analogs during pregnancy: a meta-analysis. Article  Effect of sitagliptin on cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes. The median follow-up was 3.8 years in each group. We estimated the mean differences between the trial groups in the glycated hemoglobin level, weight, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and pulse using a mixed model for repeated measurements, with adjustment for baseline covariates. ); Novo Nordisk, Bagsvaerd, Denmark (K.B.-F., P.K., L.S.R., M.S. Medullary thyroid carcinoma occurred in no patient in the liraglutide group and in 1 in the placebo group. Balsells M, Garcia-Patterson A, Sola I, et al. 2015;350:h102. The authorized source of trusted medical research and education for the Chinese-language medical community. Type 2 diabetes mellitus after gestational diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. doi:10.2337/diacare.29.03.06.dc05-1940. 2008;93(5):1689–95. doi:10.1210/jc.2008–0772. In this double-blind trial, we randomly assigned patients with type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular risk to receive liraglutide or placebo. Information and tools for librarians about site license offerings. The rate of death from any cause was also lower in the liraglutide group (381 patients [8.2%]) than in the placebo group (447 [9.6%]) (hazard ratio, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.74 to 0.97; P=0.02). (2016) Child Adolesc. PubMed Central  Frauen, die die Kriterien eines manifesten Diabetes bereits in der Frühschwangerschaft erfüllen (Nüchternplasmaglukose > 126 mg/dl, … Ein Screening auf unerkannten Typ 2 Diabetes bei der ersten pränatalen Kontrolle wird besonders bei Frauen mit hohem Risiko (Anamnese eines GDM oder Prädiabetes; Fehlbildungen, Totgeburt, wiederholte Aborte oder Geburtsgewicht über 4500 g in früheren Schwangerschaften; Adipositas, metabolisches Syndrom, Alter über 45 Jahre, bei Gefäßerkrankungen, Auftreten von Diabetessymptomen wie Glukosurie) empfohlen (Evidenzklasse B). Its efficacy in lowering glucose levels has been established, and it has been associated with slight reductions in weight and blood pressure.6-8 It has been associated with an increase in pulse rate.7,8 To assess the long-term effects of liraglutide on cardiovascular outcomes and other clinically important events, the Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes: Evaluation of Cardiovascular Outcome Results (LEADER) trial was initiated in 2010.9. ), QUICK TAKELiraglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes 01:50, Type 2 diabetes is a complex metabolic disorder that is characterized by hyperglycemia and associated with a high risk of cardiovascular, microvascular, and other complications.1,2 Although glycemic control is associated with reductions in the risk of microvascular complications, the macrovascular benefits of glycemic control are less certain. The statistical analysis plan is available with the protocol at NEJM.org. Crowther CA, Hiller JE, Moss JR, et al. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. The primary composite outcome in the time-to-event analysis was the first occurrence of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke. Design of the Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes: Evaluation of cardiovascular outcome Results (LEADER) trial. Death from cardiovascular causes occurred in fewer patients in the liraglutide group (219 patients [4.7%]) than in the placebo group (278 [6.0%]) (hazard ratio, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.66 to 0.93; P=0.007) (Figure 1B). 2016 Jun 30;166(1):21-45. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.06.028. Health 10: 24 doi: 10.1186/s13034-016-0112-9. Prespecified comparisons between groups were performed at 36 months, which was the last annual visit with laboratory testing that was prespecified for the entire trial population, given the minimum follow-up of 42 months. Article  GDM wird durch einen oralen Glukosetoleranztest oder durch Nüchternplasmaglukosekonzentrationen über 92 mg/dl diagnostiziert. Secondary prevention of macrovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes in the PROactive Study (PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical Trial In macroVascular Events): a randomised controlled trial. The most common adverse events leading to the discontinuation of liraglutide were gastrointestinal events. ); Lunenfeld–Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mt. Expert Opin Drug Saf 2015;14:171-180, 24. BMJ. [27] Prospektive Anwen-dube s gn ob - achtung 4 LT 70 Anästhe-sisten Elektive Allgemein-narkose 1 Monat bis 15 Jahre Insertion erfolgreich beim 1. Silver Spring, MD: Department of Health and Human Services, 2008. ); London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Medical Statistics Unit (S.P.) doi:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2010.02763.x. The trial protocol was reviewed and approved by the institutional review board or ethics committee at each participating center. doi:10.1136/bmj.h102. PDF | On May 2, 2016, Kathleen Meyer and others published Meyer et al. Jensen TM, Saha K, Steinberg WM. doi:10.2337/db12-0393. Ratner RE, Christophi CA, Metzger BE, et al. Liraglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes. Eickhorst A, Brand C, Lang K et al (2015) Die Prävalenzstudie „Kinder in Deutschland KiD 0–3“ zur Erfassung von psychosozialen Belastungen und Frühen Hilfen in Familien mit 0–3jährigen Kindern. Cytomegalovirus seroprevalence among children and adolescents in Germany: data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS), 2003–2006 . Reece EA, Leguizamon G, Wiznitzer A. Gestational diabetes: the need for a common ground. Ein einziger erhöhter Wert ist für die Diagnose ausreichend und bedarf bereits einer strikten Stoffwechselkontrolle. Metformin in gestational diabetes: the offspring follow-up (MiG TOFU): body composition at 2 years of age. The protocol for the treatment of risk factors and the concomitant use of medications was developed by a global expert panel (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available at NEJM.org). Leitlinie der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin, der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Perinatale Medizin, der Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft, der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin und der Dt. 2016. Prespecified exploratory outcomes included an expanded composite cardiovascular outcome (death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, coronary revascularization, or hospitalization for unstable angina pectoris or heart failure), death from any cause, a composite renal and retinal microvascular outcome (nephropathy [defined as the new onset of macroalbuminuria or a doubling of the serum creatinine level and an eGFR of ≤45 ml per minute per 1.73 m2, the need for continuous renal-replacement therapy, or death from renal disease] and retinopathy [defined as the need for retinal photocoagulation or treatment with intravitreal agents, vitreous hemorrhage, or the onset of diabetes-related blindness]), neoplasms, and pancreatitis — all of which were adjudicated in a blinded fashion by an external, independent event-adjudication committee. - 2015;15:54. doi:10.1186/s12887-015-0372-1. Diabetes Care. The primary hypothesis was that liraglutide would be noninferior to placebo with regard to the primary outcome, with a margin of 1.30 for the upper boundary of the 95% confidence interval of the hazard ratio. 2016, S. 279). N Engl J Med 2013;369:1317-1326, 20. Results from a European multicenter randomized trial of physical activity and/or healthy eating to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: the DALI lifestyle pilot. 2008;31(8):1668–9. Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto (B.Z. Long-term protective effect of lactation on the development of type 2 diabetes in women with recent gestational diabetes mellitus. The use of cardiovascular medications at baseline and during the trial is shown in Table S4 in the Supplementary Appendix. Among rodents receiving liraglutide, higher rates of thyroid C-cell tumors and hyperplasia have been observed than were observed among control animals.27 In the present trial, no episodes of C-cell hyperplasia or medullary thyroid carcinoma were observed in patients in the liraglutide group. Severe hypoglycemia occurred in 114 patients in the liraglutide group and in 153 in the placebo group (rate ratio, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.93). All the patients provided written informed consent before participation. The incidence of pancreatitis was nonsignificantly lower in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group. N Engl J Med. Ges. 2016 May 1;213(9):1380-7. Medullary thyroid carcinoma occurred in no patient in the liraglutide group and in 1 in the placebo group. A limitation of our trial is that patients were followed for only 3.5 to 5.0 years, so the safety and efficacy data are restricted to that time period. Das Deutsche Institut für angewandte Pflegeforschung e.V. Göbl CS, Bozkurt L, Prikoszovich T, et al. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd, häufiges Namenskürzel MBS, * 31. Doch dieser Be-fund galt auch für die von Theodor W. Adorno und der Berkley-Group in den 1940er-Jahren untersuchten US-Amerikaner (Adorno et al., 1950). Subgroup analyses suggest a greater benefit of liraglutide with respect to the primary outcome in patients with an eGFR of less than 60 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 and possibly in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease. Auf Basis der „Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study“ liegt ein GDM vor, wenn die Nüchternplasmaglukosewerte 92 mg/dl, der 1 Stundenwert 180 mg/dl oder der 2 Stundenwert 153 mg/dl überschritten werden (OGTT; Internationale Konsensuskriterien). J Hum Nutr Diet. In addition, prespecified sensitivity analyses were conducted (see the protocol). 2012;61(12):3167–71. Bei Normalbefund soll der OGTT alle 2 Jahre wiederholt werden (Evidenzklasse B). Epub 2016 Aug 31. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60515-8. Juli 2017 stattfindende Großoffensive der irakischen Streitkräfte zur Rückeroberung der nordirakischen Stadt Mossul aus den Händen der terroristisch agierenden sunnitischen Miliz Islamischer Staat (IS). Ziegler AG, Wallner M, Kaiser I, et al. Concise summaries and expert physician commentary that busy clinicians need to enhance patient care. Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Reexamining the Guidelines. Part of Springer Nature. MitReal-time Analytics sollenaktuelleGescheh-nisse in der operativen Steuerung, zum Beispiel in der Produktion oder dem Online-Wertpapierhan- Changes in the glycated hemoglobin values over time are shown in Fig. 2015;100(4):1646–53. S4 in the Supplementary Appendix. Acute pancreatitis occurred in 18 patients in the liraglutide group and in 23 in the placebo group. Falls die Blutzuckerspiegel nicht im Normalbereich liegen (nüchtern < 95 mg/dl und 1 Stunde nach den Mahlzeiten < 140 mg/dl), soll als erste Wahl eine Insulintherapie initiiert werden. Frauenarzt. Lancet. For patients who did not meet the recommended target for glycemic control (glycated hemoglobin level ≤7% or individualized target at the investigator’s discretion) after randomization, the addition of any antihyperglycemic agents except for GLP-1–receptor agonists, DPP-4 inhibitors, or pramlintide was permitted. Additional data regarding pancreatic cancer are provided in Table S5 in the Supplementary Appendix. et al., 2015). All women should receive nutritional counseling and be instructed in blood glucose self-monitoring and to increase physical activity to moderate intensity levels- if not contraindicated. Guideline on clinical investigation of medicinal products in the treatment or prevention of diabetes mellitus. There were fewer add-on therapies for diabetes medications, lipid-lowering medications, and diuretics in patients in the liraglutide group than in those in the placebo group. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. IDF diabetes atlas. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Versuch 96%, Probleme bei Kindern <10 kgKG Effiziente Ventilation 88%. ); and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill (J.B.B.). It should be noted that in the Evaluation of Lixisenatide in Acute Coronary Syndrome (ELIXA) trial,14 the GLP-1–receptor agonist lixisenatide, which is shorter-acting than and structurally dissimilar to liraglutide, did not show any cardiovascular benefit in patients with diabetes and a recent acute coronary syndrome. Diabetes. Februar 2016 Dies geht aus einer Studie des Robert Koch-Instituts hervor, die Matthias Girndt und Koautoren im Deutschen Ärzteblatt vorstellen ( Dtsch Arztebl Int 2016; 113: 85-91 ). Zinman B, Wanner C, Lachin JM, et al. ten Deutschen auf jeden Fall (Horkheimer et al., 1936). N Engl J Med. Pfeffer MA, Claggett B, Diaz R, et al. doi:10.1210/jc.2007-2301. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.74. Address reprint requests to Dr. Buse at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, CB7172, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, or at [email protected]. Early possible risk factors for overt diabetes after gestational diabetes mellitus. doi:10.1007/s00125-012-2726-7. 2. Aroda VR, Christophi CA, Edelstein SL, et al. PubMed  BMJ Open 2013;3, 9. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 10 allen vor Ort Verantwortlichen bedanken. S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). P values signify tests of homogeneity for between-group differences with no adjustment for multiple testing. Information, resources, and support needed to approach rotations - and life as a resident. Acute gallstone disease was more common with liraglutide than with placebo (in 145 vs. 90 patients), including severe events (in 40 vs. 31). A total of 9340 patients underwent randomization. 2009. http://iom.edu/~/media/Files/Report%20Files/2009/Weight-Gain-During-Pregnancy-Reexamining-the-Guidelines/Report%20Brief%20-%20Weight%20Gain%20During%20Pregnancy.pdf. Wolff N, Rubia K, Knopf H, Hölling H et al. The mean percentage of time that patients received the trial regimen was 84% for liraglutide and 83% for placebo. It is uncertain whether this finding relates to the direct effects of liraglutide on kidney function.21,22, More patients in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group permanently discontinued the trial regimen owing to adverse events (difference, 2.2 percentage points). Long-acting injectable progestin contraception and risk of type 2 diabetes in Latino women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus. Authors M Angela Nieto 1 , Ruby Yun-Ju Huang 2 , Rebecca A Jackson 3 , Jean Paul Thiery 4 Affiliations 1 Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH, Avda. doi:10.1210/jc.20143761. JAMA Pediatr. 2006;29(3):613–7. Nauck, Prof. Dr. Bernhard (et al.) 2007;30(9):2287–92. Die Probanden beider Studien waren eben in Gesellschaften verstrickt, Adverse events leading to the permanent discontinuation of the trial regimen were more common with liraglutide than with placebo (. 3. The related study used oxygen, hydrographic and velocity data from ship sections and moored observations in order to investigate decadal changes of the respective properties in the eastern tropical North Atlantic. Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcomes. The prespecified analysis at 36 months showed a mean difference between the liraglutide group and the placebo group of −0.40 percentage points (95% CI, −0.45 to −0.34). We performed this multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial at 410 sites in 32 countries. Electronic address: anieto@umh.es. J. Harreiter, D. Bancher-Todesca, A. Berger und A. Repa geben an, dass kein Interessenkonflikt besteht. 2. Home PD, Pocock SJ, Beck-Nielsen H, et al. 2. Article  „Mit der PISA-Studie 2015 bestätigt sich das positive Bild der Ergebnisse zur Lesekompetenz aus der PISA-Erhebung im Jahr 2012, bei welcher die durchschnittliche Lesekompetenz der Fünfzehnjährigen in Deutschland erstmals über dem Durchschnitt der OECD-Staaten lag“, so das Fazit der Herausgeber von PISA (Reiss et al. Gestationsdiabetes (GDM) wird als Glukosetoleranzstörung definiert, die erstmals in der Schwangerschaft entdeckt wird. Effects of early breastfeeding on neonatal glucose levels of term infants born to women with gestational diabetes. There was a higher rate of retinopathy events with liraglutide than with placebo, although the difference was not significant. PMID: 27587633. Und zwar bekomme ich immer ein Komma zu viel beim Literaturverzeichnis, nämlich wird vor dem & noch ein Komma gesetzt, was natürlich überflüssig ist. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. The primary composite outcome occurred in fewer patients in the liraglutide group (608 of 4668 patients [13.0%]) than in the placebo group (694 of 4672 [14.9%]) (hazard ratio, 0.87; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.78 to 0.97; P<0.001 for noninferiority; P=0.01 for superiority) (. Dis. Obstet Gynecol. Prespecified Cox proportional-hazard regression analyses were performed for subgroups of patients with respect to the primary outcome (first occurrence of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke). Das TEAM DAJ möchte sich daher bei den LAGen und . Metzger BE, Gabbe SG, Persson B, et al. Kidney Int 2014;86:701-711, 23. S5B, S5C, and S5D in the Supplementary Appendix). Monitoring of the development of the offspring and recommendation of healthy lifestyle of the children and family is recommended. EN; Menü . Other laboratory tests were performed at randomization, at months 6 and 12, and annually thereafter. The minimum planned follow-up was 42 months, with a maximum of 60 months of receiving the assigned regimen and an additional 30 days of follow-up afterward. Alle Frauen mit GDM erhalten eine Diättherapie und müssen ihre Blutzuckerwerte regelmäßig kontrollieren. Lancet 2005;366:1279-1289, 16. Subgroup analyses are shown in Figure 2. Nur für den privaten Gebrauch. Xiang AH, Kawakubo M, Kjos SL, et al. Rowan JA, Hague WM, Gao W, et al. Dazu gehören Gewichtsreduktion bei Übergewicht, gesunde Ernährung und ausreichend körperliche Aktivität. There were fewer patients with prostate cancer in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group (26 vs. 47) and also fewer patients with leukemia (5 vs. 14) (Fig. The screening, randomization, and follow-up of the patients are shown in Fig. Selected Adverse Events Reported during the Trial. Ussher JR, Drucker DJ. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Diabetes Care. The ORIGIN Trial Investigators. Performance of the OGTT (120 min; 75 g glucose) may already be indicated in the first trimester in some women but is mandatory between 24 and 28 gestational weeks in all pregnant women with previous non-pathological glucose metabolism (Evidence level B). Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study: associations with neonatal anthropometrics. S3 in the Supplementary Appendix). We used a hierarchical testing strategy for the liraglutide group versus the placebo group, first testing for noninferiority and subsequently for superiority. The primary and exploratory analyses for the outcomes in the time-to-event analyses were based on a Cox proportional-hazards model with treatment as a covariate. Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud (arabisch محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود, DMG Muḥammad b. Salmān b. There were more episodes of gallstone disease with liraglutide, a finding that has been reported previously. Nat Rev Nephrol 2014;10:88-103, 22. Becker, Prof. Dr. Birgit (et al.) 2005;352(24):2477–86. Soziale Passagen 2:381–388. Das diesem Bericht zu Grunde liegende Vorhaben wurde mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit unter der Forschungskennzahl 3711 41 504 gefördert. Glibenclamide, metformin, and insulin for the treatment of gestational diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The magnitude of the differences was similar in sensitivity analyses with alternative censoring, including the per-protocol analysis (Fig.

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