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In the Behind the Scenes of "Zeus vs. Thor", Lloyd starts off by shiftily asking toward the camera "You wanna buy some t-shirts?". Even more awesomely, Thor defies this trope: he claims that the only reason why he won't spit in Zeus's face is because, thanks to his aforementioned sex obsession, he'd like it. Get to clapping with a Desert Eagle, only shooting twice, but I left four holes They get gunned down immediately after this. Vader also shies away from using the word "cunt", unlike Hitler. [Verse 5] This is due to his recent conviction on multiple counts of rape and sexual assault. This also happened sporadically throughout season 4. Lights out, then the door close, all you saw was a splatter of blood and a bone Hannibal Lecter vows to roast Jack the Ripper's balls on a Hibachi. He's such a jerk that even. Let me be clear, it came out two years ago, but now it's getting like hundreds of cheers If you make it out we not pulling no punches, we'll be bringing it to ya Okay, he's probably just the Russian equivalent of Abraham Lincoln... Then, All four of them think Michael Bay is a slob and he thinks all of them are snobs. In general, we have the main actors Nice Peter (phlegmatic) and, There's often so much going on the screen that some of the humor can be missed. Deadpool brings up the fact that Boba Fett only had five lines, In the BTS for "Charles Darwin vs Ash Ketchum", Nice Peter attempts a. George Carlin ends his verse with one of these: Steve Irwin does a short one in his first verse: Sigmund Freud ends his first verse with one, to which Teresa responds with one of her own: In the season 1 finale, EpicLLOYD mocks Peter for his receding hairline, despite being bald himself. After their final verse against the Renaissance artists, the TMNT head off to eat pizza. Working on your aim, first person it's practice send his head back to Rome wrapped in his own banner, Ray, Winston, Peter and Egon with cameo by Janine. The first quote at the end of the first season finale says "If Season 2 does not have a Russian character, I will kill this NicePeter with my bare hands" and is credited to, Skrillex calls out Mozart for his infamous scatological sense of humor, who throws it, Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe both begins and ends with lines from, James Bond tells Austin Powers that the many foes he's faced "were not as crooked and rotten as your teeth are.". Darth only thawed Hitler out for their rematch and to drop him into the Rancor Pit. In "Kirk vs. Columbus", the word Klingon is written. The portrayal of William Wallace and his men are based off the. Lloyd first said it while dressed as Gandalf in the BTS for "Gandalf vs Dumbledore". Jack the Ripper is proud of the gruesomeness of his crimes. Uh, swinging from a tower You LITERALLY Decide! Justified, because he often did this in speeches in real life. It's done by Darth Vader in his first confrontation vs. Hitler for the style points. if they're being carried by a winged beast. “Welcome to primetime, bitch!”. Mario tells the Wright Brothers to "just get back in [their] biplane and make out with each other". Thomas Jefferson and Frederick Douglass both had shades of this in their second verse. One within ERB itself - the apparently random spinning jump and. [Verse 6] So is Mother Teresa, although Freud mocks her, claiming her chastity vow is "redundant". while holding up an illustration of the latter as garden weeds with heads. Hitler never saw it coming. He sliced him in half with his lightsaber. Do not take the Lord's name in vain around. Stan Lee loses control of his rage when Jim Henson and Kermit the Frog accuse him of stealing credit from his friend Jack Kirby. Vader, Chuck Norris, Gandalf, Batman, Kirk, and a few others all pull this off at various points. Joan of Arc (Pious, Courageous, Warrior Saint) VS Miley Cyrus (Borderline Annoying, Spoiled Rich, Showtime Snob, and a Loose Woman). Walt Disney shows off his "empire of joy", all the sketchpads the artists are drawing on contain logos of various channels and studios owned by The Walt Disney Company, including ESPN, ABC, A&E, and Maker Studios. In real life, Lincoln was widely known to be soft-spoken with a squeaky voice, though not without gravitas. Whenever you need us put your hand in a ball, raise it up and we'll answer the call (Yeah) but Peter Shukoff and Lloyd Ahlquist as well. Bill Cosby, who only gets to say two full lines before falling unconscious for his pudding being drugged, and is completely annihilated by Joan Rivers. COVID took a toll on a lot of folks, so putting out a video game was kinda like a miracle Romeo and Juliet's verses are accompanied with violin chords and jingle bells. "Henry VIII vs. Hillary Clinton" was set to release in season 2, immediately after Vader/Hitler 2, but Peter and Lloyd felt the battle didn't live up to their own expectations at the time, so they never officially released it until 2020. It is, after all, Don't you think I've heard those things before. Jon Na, the director of photography for Columbus Vs Kirk, cameos as Sulu. Clint Eastwood would offer to stick around for a Round 2, but finds it ridiculous because nobody in Bruce Lee's family ever lived to see a sequel. The vulgar and raunchy George R. R. Martin vs. J. R. R. Tolkien the uptight tweed-wearing Oxford professor. The tenth doctor (blue) eventually turns into the fourth doctor (red). In the fourth rap battle of season 6, four of the five characters have passed on … Walt Disney shouts his way into a sentimental moment to a...disturbing rendition of the Mickey Mouse anthem, Robin Williams's appearance in George Carlin vs Richard Pryor. Inverted by Obama, who compliments Romney's father as a, Bruce Lee: "I beat the Good, and the Bad. Watch me Oculus, Instagram, WhatsApp — post! team up against Connery!Bond, calling him out on his misogyny. Both of them take notice. "]/Tell me: what comes after the 68th measure of diarrhea?". Hitler, Genghis Khan, Mr. T, Leonidas, Luigi, Freddie Mercury, and Martin Luther King Jr. Chuck Norris, Beethoven, Mozart, Skrillex, Columbus, Lance Armstrong, Darth Vader, O'Reilly, and Tesla too. Mongols invading, we stop those, but general Khan knows, we hate him, so everybody team up Steve Irwin briefly addresses the audience by going into wildlife commentary mode, while walking right into Jacques Cousteau's side of the video, so technically he broke both the fourth. Now Sherwin. The bickering amongst the Western philosophers by the end of their battle against the East gets Nietzsche fed enough to storm off at the ending title card. ", Billy Mays with his "lightning rod cock.". Bay. Spielberg vs Hitchcock had individual scores for the. In "Theodore Roosevelt vs. Winston Churchill", Churchill compares Roosevelt to the actor portraying him, EpicLLOYD. Thomas Edison is a greedy, idea-stealing, and Tesla-smearing jerkass. Composition "The Way I Are (Dance with Somebody)" samples Whitney Houston's single "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)".Critical reception. The four Mt. And it's all wrapped up in a perfect little package, ha I don't care what you say bro, you can hate me, but I know that I'm playing to win The Easter Bunny accuses Genghis Khan of being a brutal rapist barbarian. Michael Jordan comments on how disgusted he is that Muhammad Ali would say his stint as a baseball player was more tragic than his father's murder. By Kyle O’Brien. Ivan the Terrible does this in nearly every scene he's in because he's creepy. Left you behind, like a quiet kid in a Play Place!". Steve Jobs makes the "GUI" (gooey) that Bill Gates's wife "uses.". Vader to Hitler: "So many dudes been with your mom, who even knows if. Ronald McDonald’s line that he’s Nice Peter and the Burger King is EpicLLOYD works as a diss but also, Note the tinny music that plays when Mr. Rogers is introduced... which then turns into the regular rap music as Mr. Rogers lets out a chilling rap against. Also during the Hulk Hogan battle, Kim Jong-Il fires a military M136 AT4 at Hogan... while holding it backwards. Considering both characters are British spies, Austin Powers doing the two-finger salute, the British equivalent to. Marilyn Monroe got downright vicious when her miscarriages were brought up. The outro for Joe Biden vs Donald Trump is reworded into "Who Won? Bill Gates. Nice Peter shows up as all the cowboys in Clint Eastwood's backdrop. Outside of the raps, the first two videos in season three after the December-May hiatus have both had at least one split-second shot of a future battle in the "more battles" section. While Lewis and Clark call Bill and Ted useless because they have to depend on their. However, his opponent, Hannibal Lecter, does not fit the three spheres of this trope. ", Robin took Sherlock's lady friend Irene Adler back to his pad "to. Naturally done by Michael Jackson when battling Elvis, after the line: "Watch me moonwalk and I step on your blue suede". Cue Lloyd running for the exit. Enemies gonna quake and tremble instead of "Frank" as Sinatra appears onscreen. When Mozart's rapping however, a violin is prominently featured. Wayne Gretzky gives Tony Hawk his own rendition of a fingerflip. Nice Peter plays both Jimmy Olsen and Krillin in Goku Vs Superman. My name is Sir Isaac Newton. Sigmund Freud starts his verse saying the amount of jokes he could make about Teresa’s looks are abundant, but he doesn’t end up making any other jokes about Teresa’s appearance after that. Steve Irwin reacts this way when Jacques Cousteau mocks him for getting ". I'm more rock 'n' roll than you've ever been! Roxxon scurry like cowards In the same battle, the inventor of SCUBA tells Irwin to "contain yourself, like my underwater breathing apparatus". Look at Freddie Mercury's background as his verses go on. I can't stand a racist; I love the colored and the queers - just ask Sammy Davis!". Marilyn Monroe quips that Cleopatra's nose matches Kassem G's, one of Nice Peter's associates. You need to stop breaking into houses and creeping, Thou shalt not let children sit on a grown man's lap at the mall. Putin spits hot borscht when he's crushing these beats. Figures older than this are usually in color, possibly because our collective mental images of them are from either paintings or later color fictional portrayals. it gets a pass, barely. Just about every other line in "James Bond vs. Austin Powers" contains some sort of pun on a Bond movie title. Donald Trump fills in for the role of Jacob Marley and alarms Ebeneezer Scrooge of the verbal beatdown the three emcees of the ethereal plane are going to give him. You are too sus with your menacing laugh Kim Jong-il vs the Mega Powers is the only match where a person who comes in during the middle is announced by the announcer. As Monroe says Cleopatra was "fucking her brothers". exclaiming he's more powerful than Frank is even while while wearing women's pants. George Washington went from having a brief cameo in the Ben Franklin vs Billy Mays battle to having his own rap battle against William Wallace. This was duplicated fairly accurately in, When Christopher Columbus threatens Captain Kirk with shoving a flag up his ass and claim him for Spain, the Spanish flag he's holding is the current variation of the. Hitler vs Vader and something horrible happening to the former. Roosevelt points out that at least he wasn't. Dumbledore retorts Gandalf's homophobic insults with "I prefer the company of, Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley gives us two, Jackson accuses Elvis of stealing rock and roll. The rematch with Vader and Hitler begins with Hitler frozen in carbonite, just as he was at the end of their original battle. Stan Lee realizes he's gone too far when he threatens to put Jim Henson out to pasture like. have them pair off and compete against each other, Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso, (He actually shot himself through his right temple.). So step into the shoes of Jin Sakai, a Samurai that'll ride or die to save his nation Each season finale tends to top the last one. [Verse 8] During Zeus vs Thor, Odin can clearly be seen in the back of the Asgard scenes. The sign behind Goku says "歴史の壮大なヒップホップの戦い (Rekishi no Sōdaina Hip-Hop no Tatakai)" ("Epic Rap Battles of History" in Japanese). Jack the Ripper, a thug "covered in more piss than kitty litter", versus Hannibal Lecter, the guy with the doctorate degree and a glass of Chianti. In the wake of that announcement, three sexual abuse survivors tell their stories of pain and healing. His authority is only surpassed by God. (Missing Lyrics), Getting Impostor and killing someone in electrical just sends a rush to my soul, Sites up, sold out, Walmarts, Targets, Best Buys, Gamestops, The Among Us Rap Battle (Killer on the Floor), The Among Us Rap Battle 2 (Someone’s Suspect). Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury, which is heavily influenced by Queen's. Nikola Tesla's largest issue with Thomas Edison is how Tesla wanted to give electricity to the world for free, but Edison strongarmed him with politics and business practices to turn a profit with it. I am a philosopher, a mathematician and I invented so much sweet shit you wouldn't believe. How Lance Armstrong removes his suit in his battle. "Theodore Roosevelt vs. Winston Churchill" has Churchill claim that of the Mount Rushmore presidents, Roosevelt would be the bassist of their rock band. PSN removed the game from the network until they make patches and fixes The "Mr. T vs. Mr. Rogers" battle set up Mr. Rogers to look like this, but ultimately subverted it, and instead turns him into a. Criss Angel, who tries to enter the battle in “David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini” after hearing “angel” but gets rejected by Houdini telling him that he said “angle”. ", "And there is no man who could ever muck with what we've left behind. Vlad the Impaler mocks Count Dracula for inspiring. Non-stopping brain droppings like my wit's got the shits! We leverage cloud and hybrid datacenters, giving you the speed and security of nearby VPN services, and the ability to leverage services provided in a remote location. Other variants pop up in "Rasputin vs. Stalin": "Alexander the Great vs. Ivan the Terrible" gives us two from. Ivan the Terrible describes himself as "Heaven-sent, divine and holy". in "Alexander the Great vs. Ivan the Terrible" is also written in Cyrillic, although the words "нет" ("no") is not, instead written as it is pronounced ("nyet"). Sean Connery!James Bond; unlike most other battles where a third rapper enters, the first two actually get to respond with further verses in this one, making it a proper three-way battle. What a colorful game show, frustrating, but I got on my favorite skin J. R. R. Tolkein also manages this thrice: At the beginning of the battle, George R. R. Martin criticizes, Martin makes the terrible pun "I'll cut you like my teeth on, Martin claims to be "rock and roll" compared to Tolkien. Well we got a Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and a Black Widow Boba Fett from his bonus battle against Deadpool: James Bond in "James Bond vs. Austin Powers": Mark Zuckerberg unleashes a slew of these against Elon Musk: Stedman Graham appears in this role to Oprah. Wendy doesn’t have much room to mock Burger King for being “always second fiddle”. Einstein pushes Hawking's button when he questions the validity of Hawking's Black Hole Theory. "Fredrick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson" shows several American rap battlers from previous episodes during Jefferson's line: "Ivan the Terrible vs Alexander the Great" has a similar scene, where the five Russian rappers (and. In all three of his rap battles against Darth Vader, Adolf Hitler facetiously invites Vader to make use of something seemingly innocent that was used murderously in concentration camps during. Talking about either said third party or the battle itself is sure to spoil the other. Rasputin, no angel himself, says that what Stalin did to Russia was a disgrace. Jefferson admitted guilt for participating in the plantation system, and Douglass acknowledged that Jefferson's contributions to history should not be understated, despite his flaws. Ted Danson says he was 'a hot mess' when he first met wife Mary Steenburgen. Wonder Woman mocks Stevie Wonder for being blind. Mr. T responds that he's so awesome, he only, Similar to the above, Deadpool says that Boba Fett is overrated due to only having five lines in the original. Fighting with Tinkerer and Prowler Before the battle even starts, Clark Kent spins rapidly around while changing into his Superman outfit. In "Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg", Mark mocks Elon's getting high on Joe Rogan's podcast, to which Elon directly responds by saying that not even marijuana can slow-motion his pace. In the season 5 finale, Peter accuses Lloyd of trying to find rhymes for "erection", despite having done just that in his previous line. The Burger King" was eventually elevated to a proper rap battle. Captain Kirk asks Columbus when he's finally going to arrive at a place he set sail for. This year was kinda hard, so I ain't gonna be too critical Mozart vs Skrillex, which emulates both artists' styles very well. He just sneaks up behind him and cuts him in half with his lightsaber. When Luke accuses Harry's origin story of being stolen from him, he ends up basically telling what the hero's journey structure is like. What happens when you take historical figures, popular media personalities, and fictional characters, and have them pair off and compete against each other... in rap contests? Stephen King indulges in one in his first verse. Freddy Krueger is genuinely, overtly horrific as he attempts to kill Wolverine and. YOU DECIDE! Bruce Lee and Clint Eastwood pull off a lot of these, Bruce with ninjas and Clint with cowboys. Napoleon Bonaparte, Abraham Lincoln, Genghis Khan, Ludwig van Beethoven and Joan of Arc appear as cameos in their ERBOH incarnations, and the similarities between the phone booth and Doctor Who's TARDIS are mentioned. Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney: Obama (nice), Romney (mean) and Abe Lincoln (in-between). Shakespeare's first verse is in iambic pentameter. Clint Eastwood ends his battle with Bruce Lee by referencing the. The following follow along the lines of the Re-imagining type of Spin-Off: Epic Cartoon Rap Battles Of History by The Infinite Source. According to Skrillex, Mozart has a little magic flute. It starts out as a black sky with some almost invisible clouds, but as he continues and gets louder and hammier, we see flashes of light and the clouds become more visible. Once his verse is done, he leaves. Compared to the other battles from later seasons, "George R. R. Martin vs J. R. R. Tolkien" also has quite a few cusses dropped, "Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD 2" is the most curse-heavy battle in the series, showing how, "Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted" has several historical figures on the San Dimas side that appeared in. "Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe" is a three way callback: 1. Ivan the Terrible says "Bless you!" The words да ("yes") and сука ("bitch") in Rasputin vs. Stalin is written in Cyrillic. Barack Obama stealthily does this to Mitt Romney. Hitler also had something bad happen to his ghost in the S4 teaser but Vader wasn’t present. Romeo and Juliet, being Shakespearean characters, do quite a bit of this. Winston Churchill mocks the premature deaths of Teddy Roosevelt's family. Aye, the biggest one of the year, you know Among Us is here ", I make the product that the artist chooses, My technique will make your mistress weep. Shaka Zulu vs. Julius Caesar portrays both contestants as ruthless tyrants. "What's up, bitches? When Nice Peter insults the editor in the rematch between the creators, said editor responds by enlarging Peter's hand and Lloyd's head, silently implying that Peter needs to keep his hands out of other people's business and that Lloyd needs to get his head deflated. What good is your purse if you're poor in your heart? "So kiss my ass, Frankie." When Nietzsche spells his name, an individual copy of himself slides onscreen for each letter. Freddie Mercury uses popular visual effects from the 70's—recalling. Michael Bay has the last laugh on all the other, superior directors, by the power of, Tarantino had much grittier, street-wise beats, and Kubrick's was more spacey and artsy, including a rendition of "Also Sprach Zarathustra", the opening music from, the Sean Connery version of the characters pops up in the background, ready to join the rap battle, Quentin Tarantino vs. Stanley Kubrick vs. Michael Bay, Sun Tzu tricks the West into fighting each other. It is generally classified as one of a number of styles of urban music. Bob Ross has one similar to Mister Rogers. Superman thinks Goku wears "hammer pants" to hide having "tiny genitals.". Examples where Peter is red and/or Lloyd is blue: Abe Lincoln (red) vs Chuck Norris (blue)... Christopher Columbus (red) vs. Captain Kirk (blue), Michael Jackson (red) vs Elvis Presley (blue), Freddie Mercury (red) vs Frank Sinatra (blue), Bruce Lee (red) vs. Clint Eastwood (blue), Jack the Ripper (red) vs. Hannibal Lector (blue), Austin Powers (red) vs. James Bond (blue), Nice Peter (red) vs Epic Lloyd (blue) in their second battle, Gandhi (red) vs Martin Luther King Jr. (blue), Edgar Allan Poe (red) vs Stephen King (blue), The artists form a team of two red (Raphael and Michelangelo) and two blue (Leonardo and Donatello), like the turtles named after them, Bill and Ted (red) vs Lewis and Clark (blue), Stevie Wonder (red) vs Wonder Woman (blue), Hitler's verses until Vader uses the Force to bring him into his own screen. During the Donald Trump vs. Ebenezer Scrooge battle, look at Scrooge's background, more precisely at his clock. Marty McFly in Doc Brown vs. The catchphrase even got carried over to Teddy's own rap battle against Winston Churchill. One of the Cardinal Sins of Rap Battles is "Going on the Defensive" which is exactly what Thomas Jefferson did. Then Vladimir Lenin drops in and starts trashing both of them. Each episode begins and ends with the announcer doing a, Season two begins and ends with battles involving, "Hitler vs. Vader 3" ends with the same words that began "Hitler vs. Vader 1": "I am Adolf Hitler...". Warzone, Warzone, I'm shooting straight into your bones The words "На здоровье!" Alexander the Great vs. Ivan the Terrible vs. Wayne Gretzky substituted his hockey stick at the end of his rap against Tony Hawk. Pennywise mocks Joker about Heath Ledger’s death. Goku, unsurprisingly, goes Super Saiyan to rap against Superman. I'm rich! Lee reminds them that he and Kirby were close friends, and Lee, in fact, often fought in favour of Kirby's credit. "Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky" includes a little nod/jab towards those who think that some of ERB's matchups have little or no connection at all. The Wright Brothers have a grainy sepia tone and their audio is processed to sound like it was recorded on a phonograph. 1,172 Followers, 293 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from abdou now online (@abdoualittlebit) 2021 is on us, throw controllers in the sky The BTS shows it to be a velcro breakaway. Marilyn Monroe taking off her earrings in her second verse. Bonnie and Clyde get gunned down by the Feds while Clyde talks about how they've got each other's backs. Then again, he really had no choice as not mentioning the slave trade or any regret over it would've been highly Out-Of-Character for him. Freddie Mercury's first verse is one to Frank Sinatra: Examples where Peter is blue and/or Lloyd is red: Albert Einstein (red) vs Steven Hawking (blue), Genghis Khan (red) vs the Easter Bunny (blue), Napoleon Bonaparte (red) vs. Napoleon Dynamite (blue), Epic Lloyd (red) vs Nice Peter (blue) in their first battle, The Mythbusters Adam Savage (red) and Jamie Hyneman (blue), Bonnie and Clyde (red) vs Romeo and Juliet (blue), Harry Houdini (red) vs. David Copperfield (blue), Shaka Zulu (red) vs. Julius Caesar (blue), Gordon Ramsay (red) vs. Julia Child (blue), Frederick Douglass (red) vs Thomas Jefferson (blue), Ash Ketchum (red) vs Charles Darwin (blue), Teddy Roosevelt (red) vs Winston Churchill (blue), Elon Musk (red) vs Mark Zuckerberg (blue), Steve Irwin (red) vs Jacques Cousteau (blue), Mother Teresa (red) vs Sigmund Freud (blue), Thanos (red) vs J. Robert Oppenheimer (blue). In Stan Lee vs Jim Henson, Henson doesn't actually insult Lee's work, and actually calls him "a creative man." In Shaka King’s historical drama, Daniel Kaluuya plays the radical leader Fred Hampton, with Lakeith Stanfield as the informer who betrayed him. Sites up, sold out, Walmarts, Targets, Best Buys, Gamestops In the same battle, Sun Tzu also does this: Happens a couple times in "Tony Hawk vs. Wayne Gretzky": Many of the battles feature one rapper threatening to choke the other with something that references the character (Jordan with Ali's "own jump rope," Mr. T with Mr. Rogers' "own sweater sleeves," etc.). Played straight by Jack the Ripper, who boasts that his crimes are so gruesome that they would sicken and appall even his opponent, Hannibal Lecter. Simple, you don't wanna go against a division of Kin-folk, we standing tall While Tesla has a certain amount of style, his outfit is much shabbier than that of Thomas Edison. He was also the first to greet us with the much beloved "What's up, bitches?". The same battle has a variant from Alexander, who doesn't use the word itself but gets it across with his wording and emphasis. At first, this just seems like the usual hip-hop trash talk, but then Billy dies. Skrillex tries to call Mozart weird for his obsession over scatological humor. And he's even worse in his match against Hillary Clinton where he drops many sexist and racist remarks, referencing the real Donald Trump's behavior in the 2016 election. Captain Kirk’s rapping style, which parodies William Shatner’s delivery to the point Christopher Columbus says rapping against him isn’t even fun. "I'm gonna run these streets like I run my casinos / more police, No sooner does he learn he's a ghost, he gets wrangled up by the, Well, except Socrates, technically, as he didn't like books, Vladimir Lenin and Mikhail Gorbachev, Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Jack the Ripper vs. Hannibal Lecter, both serial killers, is the fourth rap battle of Season 4. Given Bieber's reputation on. Alfred Hitchcock: Showing off a side profile of Hitchcock from his show, "Alfred Hitchcock Presents". When he suggests that they take advantage of the discord and finish them off, Lao Tzu and Confucius disagree with his hostile tactics and strategy. Mozart turns it back on him by referring to Skrillex's music as "skrill-excrement" and "diarrhea". Nietzsche is furious after being referred to as Socrates' student. It's Exactly What It Says on the Tin — comedians Peter Shukoff (Nice Peter) and Lloyd Ahlquist (EpicLloyd), alongside guest YouTube performers such as George Watsky and Zach Sherwin and even a few celebrities, portray these people Battle Rapping against each other in comic online videos. Young Michael Jackson spins transforming into older Michael Jackson. Music video. The video is paused and the static picture animated with the moving mouth like the News. The Doctor, Nikola Tesla, Joan of Arc and Sir Isaac Newton are all accused of being this and none of them denies it. Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. followed by merchandise advertising and closing with a non-sequitur. Avengers Assemble Independent" despite "running off with a guy" in her origin story. Vader in "Hitler vs. Vader 3" does this in his verse. Lemme just step right in, I got things to INVENT! First Banner starts to get angry when talking about Jenner abandoning his wives and children, and warns Jenner to run away before he transforms. The battle between the creators themselves featured cameos from nearly all the characters they've played as before. Stan Lee vs Jim Henson: Walt Disney (id), Lee (ego), and Henson (superego). Freddy Krueger does this twice, naturally. Rick Grimes, deputy sheriff of King County, Georgia. Your Life! EpicLloyd cameos in Santa vs Moses as Santa's elves. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Spit flames out our mouths like our name was Bow, "By the powers invested in me by this giant bald bird…". In Cleopatra vs. Marilyn Monroe and Gandhi vs. MLK Jr., the former is in color while the latter is in B&W. Elon Musk just wants to stave off "the Dark Ages" and send mankind to Mars, while he calls out Mark Zuckerberg for "selling us out for some net worth". He does it again in Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. the whole thing escalates into a five-way just like Rasputin vs Stalin did. Young Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth, and Alfred Hitchcock are also shot in monochrome.

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