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habitable planets in zeta reticuli

Zeta 1 Reticuli: System: Zeta 1 Reticuli, a populous system with three successfully terraformed planets: Stellar Type: G2 V: Companion: This star and Zeta 2 Reticuli form a binary system; the two stars are at least 5500 A.U. The Hills reluctantly disclose the entire story. A fly-by of the Zeta-1 Reticuli system and all its celestial bodies. Another problem environment for higher forms of life is the multiple star system. But then, we don't even know for certain if there is anybody at all out there anywhere -despite the Hill map and pronouncements of the most respected scientists. Calapamos is a gas giant located within or around the habitable zone of one of the stars in the Zeta Reticuli system. The star "behind" the two components of Zeta Reticuli is Zeta Tucanae. Data used to derive the Fish model and the computer readout were taken from Gliese catalog. Apparently unable to control their actions, Betty and Barney are easily taken back to the ship by the humanoids. (Hynek began his career as a debunker under Project Sign, a predecessor to the Project Blue Book also conducted by the Air Force. "I was intrigued by the proposal put forth by Marjorie Fish that she had interpreted a real star pattern for the alleged map of Betty Hill. If we go west, all we can visit is Kansas City and Denver. (Salisbury is also noted for his work promoting creationism.). I was incredulous that models could be used to do an astronometric problem," Steggert says. Now we are ready to return to the map drawn by Betty Hill. The planet masses 4.15 M⊕, which is 39 times more massive than Mars. He says the catalog was compiled with extensive research and care over many years. Zeta Reticuli Bd is a super-Earth orbiting at Mars-like distance from the star. A faint pair of stars, 220 trillion miles away, has been tentatively identified as the “home base” of intelligent extraterrestrials who allegedly visited Earth in 1961. A fly-by of the Zeta-1 Reticuli system and all its celestial bodies. "Several police departments around the country use hypnosis on rape victims in order to get descriptions of the assailants — descriptions that would otherwise remain repressed. Center map is derived from a model of our stellar neighborhood by Marjorie Fish. "I was able to locate potential areas of error, but no real errors," Steggert concludes. Our editor-in-chief, Dave Eicher, laughed it off until my face told him ‘I am serious and seriously nuts.’. The planet–star distance varies from 0.40 to 1.24 AU and would experience wild temperature swings throughout its 276 1 ⁄ 3 … This southerly sky location makes Zeta Reticuli invisible to observers north of Mexico City’s latitude. Because this is a potentially troublesome area for our objective, we will eliminate all close and moderately close pairs or systems of multiple stars. (If you want more details on the encounter, see Fuller's book). "To my surprise I found that the pattern that I derived from my program had a close correspondence to the data from Marjorie Fish.". Peter Van de Kamp of the Sproul Observatory at Swarthmore College has watched Barnard’s Star for more than three decades and is convinced that a “wobbling” motion of that star is due to perturbations (gravitational “pulling and pushing”) caused by unseen planets. She was standing about three feet away from it. the lines would link stars that would be worth visiting). So much for the background material on the Hill incident. But, by the year 2235, the E.F. having reached the limits of tolerance with past wars, and being worried about the future, had founded the present Space Federation and banned all military operations in Space. Most ‘habitable zone’ planets discovered so far have been short period planets around M-dwarfs.) It probably cost Terry his job, as he was gone from the magazine a few months later. Due to its high eccentricity typical of planets in this system, it varies in distance from 21⁄5 AU to 61⁄3 AU. Stephen Dole of the Rand Corporation has made a detailed study of stars in this range and suggests we should also eliminate F5, F6, and F7 stars because they balloon to red giants before they reach an age of five billion years. A faint pair of stars, 220 trillion miles away, has been tentatively identified as the "home base" of intelligent extraterrestrials who allegedly visited Earth in 1961. The two stories agreed in considerable detail, although neither Betty nor Barney was privy to what the other had said under hypnosis until much later. Its orbital eccentricity is the third lowest among all the planets in this system at 0.152. (This also is not necessarily the case, as planetary science has proved in the interim.). The viewing angle is from a point In space beyond that limit looking back toward the sun. Let’s say we start from St. Louis and want to hit all the major cities within a 1,000 mile radius. Mark Steggert of the Space Research Coordination Center at the University of Pittsburgh developed a computer program that he calls PAR (for Perspective Alteration Routine ) that call duplicate the appearance of star fields from various viewpoints in space. According to the most recent star catalogs, there are about 1,000 known stars within a radius of 55 light-years of the sun. An average eccentricity of this planetary system is 0.325, considerably higher than most planetary systems with at least four planets, but not as high as the 61 Cygni system (0.367) and 70 Ophiuchi system (0.417). Betty and Barney are returned unharmed to their car. Specifically, that volume is 48 light-years square and 32 light-years high. Let's suppose we wanted to make our own map of a trip to the stars. If the stars of a double system are far enough apart there is no real problem for planets sustaining life ( see "Planet of the Double Sun", September 1974). It is a diamond shaped constellation which lacks bright stars. Smaller planets around Neptune mass or below are still possible.). The planet's diameter is 7.126 megameters (4428 miles), which is about the size of Mars. This hypothesis is based on a strange, almost bizarre series of events mixing astronomical research with hypnosis, amnesia, and alien humanoid creatures. Betty Hill famously drew a star map from memory, in 1964, under psychoanalysis. There was no concentration of stars to indicate the Milky Way ( galactic plane) suggesting that if it represented reality, it probably only contained local stars. They requested the computer to put them in a position out beyond Zeta Reticuli looking toward the sun. One would also wonder what Betty, who has a master's degree in social work and is a supervisor in the New Hampshire Welfare Department, and Barney, who was on the governor of New Hampshire's Civil Rights Commission, would have to gain by a hoax? Salisbury is one of the few scientists who has spent some time on the UFO problem and has written a book and several articles on the subject. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A suspicious alignment, detected in late 1968, turned out to be almost a perfect match once new data from the detailed 1969 edition of the Catalog of Nearby Stars became available. The map supposedly showed the sky as seen from a planet orbiting the star Zeta Reticuli, from which the alien abductors had arrived. (Most “stellar remnants” are 11th magnitude white dwarfs or quite noisy pulsars. He walks into a field to get a closer look, focuses the binoculars, and sees the object plainly. The map material was flat and thin (not a model), and there were no noticeable lenticular lines like one of our three- dimensional processes. It’s something like planning a vacation trip. 42. She made two erasures showing her conscious mind took control part of the time. There is a "debris-disk" (dust, gas and chunks of ice and rocks) and that is common around any third generation star. The faintest, coolest, and least massive are the M stars. Second, it nearly ruined the reputation of this young astronomy magazine. It is 1.42 times the size of Earth and is very dense, two times denser than Mars. All but one are terrestrial with masses ranging from 0.08 M⊕ to 6.6 M⊕. In essence, then, we assume their home planet must be very Earthlike. Two years after the incident, the couple are still bothered by the missing two hours, and Barney's ulcers are acting up. Let’s assume, just as an astronomical exercise, that the map does show the sun and the star that is “the sun” to the humanoids. This still leaves a few F stars, quite a few G stars, and hoards of K and M dwarfs. Betty estimated the map was approximately three feet wide and two feet high with the pattern covering most of the map. We don't want to waste our time and efforts — we only want to go to stars that we would think would have a high probability of having planets harboring advanced life forms. Our sun could have been part of a double star system. The only answer is to continue the search. A lot of the published trigonometric parallaxes on stars beyond 30 light-years are not as accurate as they could be, according to Kyle Cudworth of Yerkes Observatory. The only area of significant incongruity is the wide separation of Zeta Reticuli in the Hill version. The worlds best selling astronomy magazine. "I can find no major point of quibble with Marjorie Fish's interpretation of the Betty Hill map," says David R. Saunders, a statistics expert at the Industrial Relations Center of the University of Chicago. Stars of class F4 or higher have stable burning periods of less than 3.5 billion years. A one percent fluctuation in the sun would be annoying for us here on Earth. Zeta Reticuli Be is a mid-Earth, 88% the mass of Earth and 86% the size. For this deviation, we'll just call it Zeta System. This feature described the so-called Betty and Barney Hill story, in which a New Hampshire couple claimed to have been abducted in 1961 and taken aboard an alien spacecraft. No other star on the chart is known to have a planet, though a few have debris discs.). There is a second major area of background information that we have to attend to before we can properly discuss the map. (See above. This system is located in a middle distance of 37 light years from Earth. Strength of gravity is 20% greater than Earth's. There are other cases of alleged abductions by extraterrestrial humanoids. Prior to 1969, the data could only have been obtained from the observatories conducting research on the specific stars in question. Distance from Zeta Reticuli: 32.7 Tau Ceti has 5 planets, 2 of which are in the habitable zone, even if “just”. Based on what we discussed earlier it follow that their sun would be on our list if it were within 55 light-years of us. ", (In his book Set Phasers to Stun, author Steve Pearse reported that a professor who worked with Mitchell, Gerald Newsom, said of the map, “"i don't believe Walt Mitchell's work was ever held in high regard by the consensus of the faculty and grad students at Ohio State, and this point hardly anyone in the Department is even aware that the work was done" in a 2007 email.). The fact that the entire incident hinges on a map drawn under less than normal circumstances certainly keeps us from drawing a firm conclusion. (a light month) apart in space, which gives a … There were no grid lines.". Frank B. Salisbury of the University of Utah has also examined the Hill and Fish maps. Can we take this dramatic scenario seriously? Apparently the formation of a planetary system robs these stars of much of its rotational momentum. It has a diameter of 15.5 Mm (2.4 Earths) and surface area of about 3000 Mm2, six times that of Earth's. The sun is a main sequence star along with most of the other stars in this part of the Milky Way galaxy. The scientific director of the U. S. Naval Observatory, K. A. Strand, is among the world's foremost authorities on stellar distances for nearby stars. It's rotation takes 7.8 days or more than 187 hours to complete one spin. About half of all stars are born in pairs, or small groups of three or more. But Kretsch reports that when he reconstructed the pattern using trigonometric distance measurements instead of the composite measures in the Gliese catalog, he found enough variations to move Gliese 95 above the line between Gliese 86 and Tau 1 Eridani. It is very dense, meaning it is made mainly of heavy metals. If Jupiter was 80 times more massive it would be an M6 red dwarf star. The question of terrestrial planets being able to form remains open. Each star is suspended on a separate thread at its appropriate distance and position from the sun, and colored according to its spectral type (solar type stars are yellow). The planet's coloration is somewhat mixed, in some parts light brown and in others a darker brown. But after several years the magazine’s fortunes recovered and by 1980, the time of the Voyager flybys, Astronomy became the world’s most widely read publication on the subject. Its gravitational strength is nearly half that of Earth's and bit stronger than Mars'. Although this section amounts to only 13 percent of the entire sky, it contains 15 of the 46 stars, or 33 percent of the total. Any interpretation of the Betty Hill map must retain the logic of these routes (i.e. Zeta Reticuli Ab is the closest planet to ζ1 Ret, orbiting at a Mercury-like orbit with a 92-day orbital period. The evidence that the Zeta Reticuli system is metal deficient is definite. "By no stretch of the imagination could anyone who knows them conclude that they were nuts," he emphasizes. While he later came to believe in UFOs, he later stated he didn’t believe them to be of extraterrestrial origin. (Friedman is rather well-known. ), The 16 stars in the stellar configuration discovered by Marjorie Fish are compared with the map drawn by Betty Hill in the diagram on page 7. Accepting Dole’s further trimming, we are left with single, non-variable stars from F8 through all the Gs to K1? The pair of stars that make up Zeta Reticuli is practically in the midst of the cluster of solar type stars that attracted us while we were mapping out a logical interstellar voyage. The planet has to be the appropriate size so that its gravity doesn't hold on to too much atmosphere (like Jupiter) or too little (like Mars). ", "The derivation of the base data by hypnotic techniques is perhaps not as 'far out' as it may seem," says Stanton Friedman. ), Elaborating on this aspect of the incident, Mark Steggert offers this: "I am inclined to question the ability of Betty, under posthypnotic suggestion, to duplicate the pattern two years after she saw it. The planet's surface is cold at a temp of −70°F, causing the surface to be covered in ice. This model, prepared by Marjorie Fish, shows all the stars located in a vast volume of space extending out about 55 light-years in the direction of Zeta Reticull. This point of view is shared by Jeffrey L. Kretsch, an undergraduate student who is working under the advisement of J. Allen Hynek at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. Like Steggert, he too checked Marjorie Fish's pattern and found no error in the work. ‘Please don’t,’ was his only response. Is the Gliese catalog the best available data source? Planets form from disks of gas, dust, and debris that orbit some stars. Fish: The stars in the map are almost in a plane; that is, they fill a wheel shaped volume of space that makes star hopping from one to another easy and the logical way to go — and that is what is implied by the map that Betty Hill allegedly saw. First, these stars fry their planets with occasional lethal bursts of radiation emitted from erupting solar flares. But the planets of M-stars and the K-stars below K4 have two serious handicaps that virtually eliminate them from being abodes for life. And almost all A stars are rapid rotators too. In a time of unrecorded history, the Engineers took up residence on LV-223, one of the three moons of the gas giant Ca… The weird circumstances that we have dubbed "The Zeta Reticuli Incident" sound like they come straight from the UFO pages in one of those tabloids sold in every supermarket. They are each fifth magnitude stars — barely visible to the unaided eye — located in the obscure southern constellation Reticulum. Mitchell noted an important and previously unknown fact first pointed out by Ms. Betty, a social worker, asks advice from a psychiatrist friend. This article chronicles how an unusual star map has led to new investigations of specific nearby stars that might harbor Earth-like planets - and possibly advanced forms of life. The data on some of the stars in the map is just not good enough to make a definitive statement. (This is no longer believed to be the case. Saunders, who has developed a monumental computerized catalog of more than 60,000 UFO sightings, tells us that the Hill case is not unique in its general characteristics -there are other known cases of alleged communication with extraterrestrials. But we may be wrong in our estimate of life development time. A three planet system orbits Zeta² Reticuli. Our kind of life seems most likely to evolve on a planet that has a stable temperature regime. This southerly sky location makes Zeta Reticuli invisible to observers north of Mexico City's latitude. Main sequence stars are basically like the sun but differ in small, but important ways. "The substantial variation in catalog material is something that must be overcome," says Steggert. Under hypnosis they stated that they had been taken separately aboard the craft, treated well by the occupants — rather as humans might treat experimental animals — and then released after having been given the hypnotic suggestion that they would remember nothing of that particular experience. This seems like a tall order. The ufological communiti… Zeta Reticuli Bb is a small, airless planet about the size of our Moon. Conversely, the inconspicuous, cool M stars may be around to see the end of the universe —whatever that might be. (No planets have been discovered around either star. But right now these life forms are simply fantasy we have no evidence that they are in fact possible. Such stars cannot have life-bearing planets because, at least based on our experience on our world, this is not enough time to permit highly developed biological systems to evolve on the land areas of a planet. A check of the catalogs shows that most of them are faint stars of relatively low temperature — a class of stars astronomers call main sequence stars. He left physics in 1970 to become a UFO researcher, and was known for a time for promoting the Roswell crash as an extraterrestrial incident as well as the widely-discredited Majestic 12 document. Distance from zeta Reticuli: 21.6 ly A rather dim Sol like star in the Eridanus constellation; 82 Eridani is one of the first stops on the routes traced in our map. The ship rises, and then hurtles out of sight. Betty did not shift her position while viewing it, so we cannot tell if it would give the same three-dimensional view from all positions or if it would be completely three-dimensional. Betty explained that she drew the map in 1964 under posthypnotic suggestion. In 2010, another team of astronomersannounced that far-infrared wavelength observations with ESA’s Herschel space telescopeshowed a ring of cold dust and ice about 100 AU across around Zeta 2 Reticuli. I charted up the habitable zones for a planet. ", (There’s skepticism about the usefulness of hypnotic regression, as heavy suggestion can lead to false memories.). However, as most people now believed that it would have been virtually impossible for this type of binary star to have habitable planets. "But the star group identified by Marjorie Fish isn't quite a perfect match, and the odds consequently reduce to about 1,000 to 1. From a model such as this, using the same viewing angle seen here, Marjorie Fish noted 16 stars whose positions are remarkably close to the stars in the drawing made by Betty Hill. This story shouldn’t have run. Its mass and size is very similar to Earth, plus its surface gravity and surface temperature. "But lt lS not unequivocal evidence," he cautions. Continuing to take the Hill map at face value, the radiating pattern of "trade routes" implies that Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli (again, neither are believed to have planets.) The new Earth Federation came into being in 2146. It holds great historical precedence for being the location of mankind's first documented contact with both of the latter alien species, and also the location of which most of humanity's most infamous conflicts with the Xenomorphs took place. Zeta Reticuli Ad is a planet bigger and more massive than Earth, orbiting in the middle of the habitable zone, but its eccentricity would take the planet outside of the HZ. The plot of all 46 candidate stars reveals a clumping in the direction of the constellations Cetus and Eridanus. It takes a lot of stellar fuel to emit vast quantities of light and heat. A thrilling action-packed Sci-fi deep space adventure. The complete account of the psychiatric examination from which the details of the event emerged is related in John G. Fuller's The Interrupted Journey (Dial Press, 1966 ), where we read that after the extensive psychiatric examination, Simon concluded that the Hills were not fabricating the story. Intrigued by the Hills' experience, J. Allen Hynek, chairman of the department of astronomy at Northwestern University, decided to investigate. Anyway — that's where things were in 1966 when Marjorie Fish, an Ohio schoolteacher, amateur astronomer and member of Mensa, became involved. (Today, most indications of Saunders lasting legacy are in the UFO community.). We still haven’t found it. These two stars are Tau 1 Eridani (an F6 star ) and Gliese 86.1 ( K2), and are, respectively, just above and below the parameters we arrived at earlier. According to several astronomers who specialize in stellar positions, it probably is. The stress she was under at the time is another unknown factor. She theorized that the Hill map contained only local stars since no concentration of stars was evident. She said there were many other stars on the map but she only (apparently) was able to specifically recall the prominent ones connected by lines and a small distinctive triangle off to the left. For reasons that will soon become clear we can remove these classes of stars from our discussion and concentrate on the main sequence stars. The story of Marjorie Fish’s attempts at identifying the star patterns sketched by Betty Hill was told in “The Zeta Reticuli Incident” by Terence Dickinson in the December 1974 issue of ASTRONOMY Magazine. There is evidence for a debris disk that may be an asteroid belt.). It would be a waste of exploration time if we zipped randomly from one star to another. There is none better." 41. (Dr. Simons, the hypontist in question, later stated, “The abduction did not take place but was a reproduction of Betty's dream which occurred right after the sighting.” The purported aliens were similar in form to an Outer Limits episode that aired shortly before the session. John Clark. Checking further we find that all but two of the stars in the Fish pattern are on the table of nearby solar type stars.

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