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dreams about bad things happening to loved ones

1. I am passionate about helping people become more comfortable with spirit signs and unexpected messages from those who have passed. Thank you so much. These is a little insight shared for you and I’d be happy to speak further on meanings and how you can best interpret signs over a Discovery call with me, and more through a professional paid consult. No one should question your motives or choices. It fell down in front of me. We really want to see a medium but we are so scared of going to see someone who will make it worse or try to scam us and that we won’t get anything from Leah. In the closet I keep a bag of cat food. Does that make sense? My Brother and myself stayed the night in the hospital making sure Mum was getting the morphine on time when she needed it. That how our spirit loved ones capture our attention. I was not scared and was almost comforted by this occurrence if it was indeed him. On my journey, many of my “helpers” have been people I know who have passed over. Follow what feels true for you. Every week I’m receiving messages form people around the world telling of their “objects” disappearing and many of them reappearing. Celebrate your magnificent awakening to a new awareness of spirit communication, celebrate the exposure of the thin veil between souls alive on the earth plane and souls who are living in spirit (who shed their skin, sorta speaking) and most of all CELEBRATE you and your Mom’s dear friend who reached out to you during her transition. But sometimes a nightmare is actually more than just a nightmare. Your dream is a harbinger for something that is inferior in quality. after that had other objects do the same. I offer this to my Vancouver, BC, Canada clients. I would go on my room an the angels would be turned over. My dad was on hospice and passed away in his sleep. Chris, I really appreciate your share and opening up to seek understanding about this “vibration” you are experiencing and sharing all the ways you have known what was going to happen without knowing how. Yes, I do feel this is your dad who transitioned. I thought that was odd. How our loved ones communicate to us from the dimension they reside in, depends largely on their personality and my ability to recognize/interpret the message. They live alone and are scared that a ghost could be there. and many more. So I had got back into bed and heard the recliner and quickly looked at the time and it was 3:15 AM on the dot. I have nor my sister has ever seen this bracelet (it is not very attractive and some of the charms you cannot even make out what they are). This is where YOU get to develop your trust factor, all-knowing, all senses inside of you. She told him that it all felt like a “dirty trick” – aha! My mom passed away a month ago. I was petrified! Send me an email to schedule:, Hi Colleen- Have you ever dreamed that something bad happened, or was about to happen to someone you love, as you watched? She is now seeing that life continues as she showed herself to both you ladies. I’ve lost about 12 family members over the years and each of them show me their presence different ways, depending on their personality and my ability to recognize/interpret the message. Dear Bee or Brandy, thank you for sharing your story of bewilderment on my Spiritual guidance blog and Coaching website. Dear Louisee, it’s increasingly very common for our loved ones in Spirit who have passed away and family members you may not have met in your lifetime, as well as angels or guides many refer to, show up to show they are with you, supporting you, want you to open to change in your life. Since my partner passed away from cancer this year I often dream of talking to her and then the next day i often find a small safety pin left in my room when it wasn’t there before. It’s not uncommon to have full conversations with loved ones who passed in our dreams, but it’s also not necessarily required. Often times the sign, symbol, way the message comes through and so on will be unique to your relationship with your loved one passed or match their personality and so on. When I first tapped into you the key word in capitals was BETRAYAL. I remember the elderly gentleman came it introduced himself after I purchased the property and was brought to tears seeing the state of it. In the meantime, please accept my eGuide 8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration. This is how I knew – I felt the energy and his spirit. Spirit Messages through Intuitive Guidance, My dad died last September, recently I have experienced items in my home being turned round and knowing I did not touch them and was not in the room at the time but upon re entering the room they had moved. Grandparents or grandparent energy ~ absolutely! I can help you in a private phone/zoom consultation (email me) or you can learn more at my website links: Interpret Spirit Signs and Spirit Communication Guidance ~ and also a beautiful collection of spirit signs examples on the YouTube collection playlist: Spiritual Education ~ Contact me if you’d like a 1-on-1 session or join my community by accepting this FREE 8 Best Steps eGuide: Get your eGuide here Some part of my intuition is saying “someone wanted to get your attention” that evening to bring peace to me or something and to tell me not to give up despite the pain. My father Paul went home to heaven in February. Why would i think that? When I arrived to the house and rushed to the back yard, I called for my son. In terms of the initial loss, I know the heart’s pain well. Email me for an initial phone/skype chat at and we’ll take it from there. Now my toddler son’s juice cups disappear into thin air and reappear in places he doesn’t go or where we looked high and low. I was shown a number of musicians as their photos popped up. Yes, I do believe this is the spirit of your all-time favorite singer. Your hard work will be met with little rewards or gains. We all have our own unique experiences. My Sister suggested l talk to him over the phone and she would hold his hand as though it was me there talking to him, because she thought that maybe he was holding on until we got back to Melbourne. At the same time my body was being vibrated near the shaking with a buzzing feeling. The toys went on every time I came home to visit my mom and only when I was home. Recently as of an hour or so ago, I was walking to the shades to get my cousins hamper away from the window, it had pushed them open and made out house visible to the outside, I went to move her away. It seemed like whatever is was it was trying to gently get my attention and I don’t think it was negative (because I am consistently clearing my space). My daughter and I are quite tuned in to these things but wonder why this is happening as no one has passed recently. Since then he’s had some strange things happen. Our Spirit family also loves playing with electricity like lights off and on, radio frequencies, music, dreams, synchronicities and so much more. Thanks for reaching out with your experiences Yaz. There must be a reason but I am at a loss what it is. You can trust he’s hearing you… but doesn’t want to frighten you. My newest video gets deeper into it around the 7 minute mark for the signs of our Billy who transitioned over: Billy Shows Spirit Signs. We ask them questions and they answer and it gives me chills every time honestly there have been mainly occurrences when a sport has closed a door and once even started playing music on my phone. Email me for an initial phone/skype chat at and we’ll take it from there. In the dream there was a lady with her i was wondering if She was a guide an angle not really sure. The distance from the loft to room is a couple of feet and the painting is not small. what does that mean about me? I asked him To show me a sign that he’s here. I used to visit him at McDonalds very rarely and he’d give me money. he died and I can barely breath. If you’d like support in further understanding, let’s setup up a phone or skype guidance coaching session. I say this because never in my life have I ever needed help as I do now. This will help you: Interpet Spirit Signs I’m trying not to hyper focus on anyting especially if it’s a loved one trying to help. Have a peek at my blog: Interpret Spirit Signs for more ways of communicating. And I turned around and spotted a dime on my carpet that wasn’t there when I walked in. 1. Oh how I LOVE these stories of awakening. But I know what happened. Let me tell you, this is EXACTLY the kind of powerfu, loving encouragement to ‘Keep Going On’ that our loved ones in Spirit consistently support us in. I am questioning if I was sleep walking which I doubt it seems far to move. Anyway sorry for dragging this on . This is not another time or place as some believe, but here and now, among us. I was stunned the first 50 times I noticed objects moved. Around 8:00 A.M. she wakes up again so I decide to combine the two bottles in the fridge to give to her. If you would believe, one day my family arrived for the afternoon and after discussing an event of an object that moved in my bedroom, my auntie suggested that perhaps the house/condo was slanted and the item slid /tipped…. Mary Lisa, Dear Mary Lisa, my gosh girl YOU ARE AMAZING! Thank you and blessings always! I knew it was my late husband, and the young man. To the right was the lighter, bottom was the sage stick and above that was my feather. We will hear 3 knocks on our walls and cannot find the cause , it’s only my husband and myself here. I HAVE ANOTHER DREAM THAT KEEPS ME THINKING WHEN I WAKE UP I BEEN DREAMING ABOUT MY EX BOYFRIEND IM 20 yrs old i when out with him when i was 15 he was my first if u knw wat i mean.. My boyfriends mom passed away in November last year. At work he was talking about his mom and the microwave turned on by itself. You have nothing to fear, as fear is self-imposed limitation when something “new” and particularly a “strange” occurrence that that we’ve never experienced before and cannot “humanly” explain. If it’s not them, it could be my aunt, my 2 uncles, or just me being paranoid and the fear I’ve been bottling up for years finally forming into something. Shortly after, he wasn’t responding to my calls nor opening the door for me. My Video NEVER GIVE UP HOPE ON YOUR DREAMS was inspired by both my client and sister. After this occurred I cleansed the property and all had been good until a couple of weeks ago .. i have woken to locked doors being opened and have a couple of things disappeared of my table .. but last night I had a full bucket of water for my dogs move around half a meter away from where it was not just the bucket but the tray it sits on to. That was placed to the other side of the table. I’m confused as to what she would want .. ps I have cleaned up the property nearly to its former state like it was when she was alive. Last night the TV aerial of the house opposite completely lit up in an orange glow then faded after 2 mins. If you want help with your loss and understanding the signs, we can work together in a professional session. I had not seen my friend in over twenty years. Our loved one who transitioned endeavoring to connect with us. Im just wondering if this is something i should worry about or if its harmless. If you’d like a more meaningful definition you’ll want to schedule a professional spiritual consult by phone or skype/zoom with me. But the towels were all still really wet, no one else had done this. If you are wondering “which loved one” is moving objects, tune in to your gut instinct, your heart’s knowing. I looked down this morning and found my pill on the floor many blessings xo. Like you, I was skeptical or rather unsure at first. These videos and info may help: INTERPRETING SPIRIT SIGNS and HOW TO TALK TO SPIRITS AND TRUST YOURSELF. by Colleen Wynia | Apr 29, 2013 | Insights | 220 comments, Circle of Friends tipped over, a sign of Spirit Communication. i am a little creeped out but amused at the same time. Was his first name George? For myself and my clients, it’s the “repeated” moving objects and spirit signs that happen again and again, when a person eventually begins to believe for themselves. I offer first time clients a Free Discovery Call to learn what I offer to help my clients understand what’s happening, who that transitions may be involved, what’s the meaning, and grow your ability to sense things more… without fear creeping in. Only you can ultimately tap into the deeper message of your Dad’s meaning (playful and/or wants to share a message) but think of it as a wakey wakey call to TRUST and let him support you and cheerleading you on through all your life’s happenings and challenges and celebrations. Since then, I’ve noticed small objects being moved or knocked off shelves in the small cottage we shared. 2. Sometimes things are not meant to be and this can be a sign to stop pushing something or try to go about it another way to complete your goal. 2 nights ago, my echo dot started playing creepy ambient music on its own. I feel like I’ve lost my friend. I was the only one with him at the time of his death. Just like clock work, at 3:15 AM, the recliner made the same noise as if it was moving. i am very curious!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your subconscious is sending you signals, so you can be aware of these things. I told my eye doctor he said it can be my cataract that is getting big and has to be removed in a month or so when i really cannot see in that eye. I saw him in a field of blue flowers the day after he passed then a day or so later he was doing somersaults and gymnasium acrobatics (he was a fitness instructor) through the air laughing and completely joyous at his renewed health. I ha e been helping my elderly mother with cleaning his room and donating my father’s clothing etc. I lost my mom when I was a sophomore in high school, before then in 2009 I lost my uncle who I was very close to. Your Dad certainly heard your “reflection” thoughts. My Spirit Family of which I’ve had many transition from their physical body, are moving object, playing with electricity, downloading in my mind their voice, many many ways. You made a tremendous impact talking with him, easing his fear of transition, helping him let go of his physical body and his physical interaction of his family. The body holds onto so much and your health mentally / emotionally / physically can also become jeopardized during recovery. Mind you she said she pulled her clothes out of a new dresser and of course does not wear the same clothes. Never easy to lose someone so close to us, especially so suddenly. She recalled at was 11am exactly. There is nothing to fear, only that which you create in your mindful thoughts. Today in the morning, he see his paint a little moved from the normal position and he say nothing to us. At times I thought he was trying to tell me something but couldn’t. I’m very curious why but there are no real answers when I try to look it up. Before we could speak again, he passed. In my early days of filming my own Mom’s experience is split into 2 videos: This happened five times. Then my water started boiling so, I poured it over and put my lid on and went about my morning. I knew what he mean’t he was preparing me for my Mum’s test results. There’s always shadows in the windows and the curtains get drawn back. Have you read my blog or seen this video? This is one that comes up often. I have had a few occurrences- certain songs coming on, random volume changes, and lights flickering, that make me think it could be him trying to communicate. It was too much too soon and I was shocked and scared. There may be something you are overlooking!! My friend and I use a Ouija board (mainly) to interact with the spirits in each of our homes. What do you think? When we think of the HEART I can related it to emotional expression or your difficulty in life to allow your heart’s deepest truth and love to fill you up. Then two days ago, I was feeling very upset about the murder of the French priest and what seems like never-ending terrorist attacks. She believed in spirits and communicating with the deceased (her doorbell used to always ring! I thought it would stop but it didn’t and would have gone right over the edge of the table. I adore this story, thanks so much for sharing Randy. In part because we are rested, relaxed and in an open state in which we can receive our loved one’s presence. By the way, I found the bracelet Monday morning while getting ready for work and I have worn the ugly thing everyday since thinking it is a sign of some sort – I swear I heard her giggle this afternoon while I was sitting in a restaurant waiting for a client trying to cover it up with the sleeve of my blouse (lol), Dear Lisa, I am deeply touched by your message. People keep telling me that it is my mom. Good for you to trust your intuition to locate. Because my Mum seemed ok, My Son and Brother stayed with her until I got back. I am writing today, because a week or so ago I had a rather strange experience. Know that you are not alone in this, literally, as well as millions of people globally around the world getting more messages. Pennies I am picking up pennies all the time sometimes in the spot I pick them up from. I had my bathroom door tapped 3 times just as I was reaching to open the door, I expected to see my boyfriend outside and when I opened it and no one was there I was absolutely horrified. Real Dream Interpretation: What Does it Mean to Dream About an Alligator? You and your step father’s connection is proof of the power of the human spirit and heart. Let me know if you’d like my help, Blessings Colleen, I’m having weird things happen to me and scared how doe it go away. This is incredibly special, as are you. This happened on Monday evening going into Tuesday morning. I took the lid off my teapot and put my loose leaf tea in the catch. I believe when you buy something that was pre owned it could have a spirit connected to it good or bad. Dear Olivia, appreciate you sharing so much in depth about your personal spiritual experiences. I only have a moment to reply right now… so I will come back and write more to help you. l kept looking everywhere because l could not believe that it could disappear into thin air like that. I can help if you’d like my expertise in an intuitive guidance session for clarity and belief alignment. You are not crazy. As I am looking down I see that bottle, which had milk in it before, under the baby’s bassinet empty. I teach that we can access our spirit messages ALL BY OURSELVES. The item that falls off the grocery shelf, what is it? I have dreams about my grandma, that passed away , very vivid dreams. I’ve supported clients of all ages work through the emotional grief of losing a loved one, and helped them interpret signals they may be sensing of their loved one around them. He feels he left a BIG load on your shoulders and heart and feels sad for your heavy sorrow. My teachings for years since my loved ones have transitioned (passed over) have been related to matters of healing the heart, the body, recovery and learning about how our loved ones in Spirit tend to continue over years to communicate with us, show their presence in many ways. If you can give me any more insight on this I would be grateful. I’d prefer you to ask yourself who do you know close to you that may be wanting to let you know they are ok and around you? 10 eggs remained in the basket and i finally located the last egg (which contained some candy and shouldnt have) under my couch which was hard to get to as the coffee table was left close to the couch last night. Well a few minutes ago, things started moving around my night stand. My daughters were like this as well where the can see those that past. I saw it there a few hours earlier. I lived in an RV out of someone’s driveway all that time. I often have horrific thoughts about bad things happening to me or the people I love that can be overwhelming and intrusive, sometimes causing insomnia. I encourage you rather than to “give up” on yourself, to relax into the deepest callings of your soul and endeavor to hear what the voices are saying to you. March 11th 2020 last night February 12th, my son’s picture jumps off the wall. Appreciate your sharing your story with us and thanks for visiting my website blog. That’s because this is new and unfamiliar territory for you. It was reassuring that he said that to us. At that point, I was very adamant about communicating with him. Hello, my name is yaz, I’m 19 years old and I’ve recently had a few questions pop up, as I’ve recently had things happen. Last week a candle holder was found upside down under the table and yesterday another candle was moved to another table and the tea light removed. When you question things in dreams, it often means that you already know the answer. I didn’t really believe in anything until we lost her.

Bortac Selection Reddit, Microwaves At Costco, If My Wife Divorced Me Can I Remarry, Fallout 3 Stimpak, Bol Bol Wingspan, Imgur You Don't Have Access To This, High School Softball Awards,

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